We'll let you know when the Wwise-201 certification goes live!
The Wwise- 201 certification is currently in development, and will be released soon. This online certification program will cover the implementation of interactive music using Wwise.
The Wwise- 201 certification program and exam will cover:
- Exploring the process of how music created in a conventional DAW can be implemented into a game.
- Understanding how to create a dynamic score that can react to the player’s actions and changes to various circumstances in the game.
- Learning how to implement custom created music while acquiring fundamental concepts such as re-sequencing and re-orchestration techniques, switching and transition systems, MIDI implementation using Wwise’s included synthesis and sampler tools, and dynamic music mixing.
- Creating, testing and playing the result of what you’ve learned using Cube, the included demo game; this provides you with a real-world opportunity to see the process of implementing interactive music from beginning to end.